Store details & API

Your store details
Follow the steps given below to configure your store details:  1. Login to your Aframark account. 2. At the top right corner, click on the arrow next t...
Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 at 7:23 PM
Checking your Account ID
Follow the steps given below to check your account ID:  1. Login to your Aframark account. 2. At the top right corner, click on the arrow next to your nam...
Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 at 7:26 PM
Find your API credentials
Follow the steps given below to see you API Credentials: 1. Login to your Aframark account. 2. At the top right corner, click on the arrow next to your...
Wed, 8 Apr, 2020 at 7:22 PM